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Here are two pictures of my workshop, completed in June of 2010. At the rear of the workshop area is the so-called "go deck", an essential feature of any harpsichord or piano shop.

My thanks to master craftsman Mike Sweeney and his crew--their skill and dedication made all the difference.

On September 25, 2019, an LED lamp in one of the overhead fixtures shorted out and exploded. This caused the plastic diffuser to catch fire and melt. The melting plastic fell to the floor, causing the damage in the photo. Luckily, it didn't touch the harpsichord nearby, although it caught the edge of my beloved Ulmia workbench.

The manufacturer of these lamps is Greentek Energy Systems ( When I contacted them about this, they gave me the usual corporate 'song and dance', claiming that their product wasn't at fault, and tried to pin the blame on my light fixtures. You guessed it--they also refused to cover the cost of the repairs. I would therefore advise anyone contemplating the purchase of replacement LED lamps to steer clear of their products.

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